Showing 1–15 of 16 results
Food equipment, Water products
19 Liter Filtered Still Drinking Water Production Line (For Offices and Homes)
Food equipment, Water products19 Liter Filtered Still Drinking Water Production Line (For Offices and Homes)
The demand for clean drinking water is increasing all over the world. Including in our country, the demand for clean drinking water is increasing year by year even in remote areas. The demand for water that passes through high-tech filters and is free of all bacteria is also increasing in large cities. This is because metal pipes are used in the water supply system. they form corrosion in water. In addition, the level of softness of water is softened with the help of special filters. Pay attention to the following minimum requirements for organizing production:
SKU: n/a -
Food equipment, Water products
Filtered still mineral water production line AF-L32
As our lifestyle improves, we begin to pay serious attention to the quality of our daily consumer goods. Especially drinking water is the most necessary and important blessing for human life. From time immemorial, our forefathers strictly controlled spring water, and as time progressed, pineapples were further processed with the help of modern filters and delivered to the people while preserving their minerals. Water production business has been booming recently due to high demand. Of course, we developed the offer taking into account the high demand for non-carbonated water by a large segment of the population. Therefore, the AFEX-GROUP company brings to your attention the production line of still mineral water.
SKU: AF-L32 -
Packaging equipment, Water products
Monoblock water injection equipment AF-8-8-3
3-in-1 water injection equipment, all processes take place inside the equipment protected by glass without human intervention. Our equipment is made of high-quality sus304 stainless steel, and it is possible to pour water from 500 to 1.5 liters using the line. The equipment is thoroughly washed before pouring water into pet containers, for this there are 8 washing channels, and the pet containers are filled with water through 8 more watering channels. It closes the pet containers filled with water through 3 channels. It includes washing, filling, covering three parts in one body. The filling machine is mainly used for non-carbonated drinks such as mineral water, pure water, still wine and drinks, with a speed of 2000 units per hour. The design of the machine reduces the contact time of the drink with the external environment, improves sanitation and guarantees safety.
SKU: AF-8-8-3 -
Water products
Reverse osmosis water filtration system (8000 L/h)
The demand for clean water is increasing all over the world. Providing clean water to every resident remains one of the priority tasks of the government and businessmen. For this reason, we offer reverse osmosis filter system equipment for water purification to you, dear entrepreneurs, members of AFEX-GROUP.
SKU: n/a -
Oziq ovqat, Suv mahsulotlari
Teskari osmosli membranali suvni filtrlash uskunasi 500L
Teskari osmos, suvning maxsus yarim o’tkazuvchan membranadan o’tishi va uni eritmadan ajratish uchun osmotik bosimdan yuqori bo’lgan eritmani qo’llashdir. Ushbu jarayon osmosga qarama-qarshi bo’lgani uchun, u teskari osmos deb ataladi. Turli materiallarning turli osmotik bosimiga ko’ra eritmani ajratish, chiqarib olish, tozalash va konsentratsiyalash maqsadiga erishish uchun ishlatilishi mumkin. Bu bakteriyalar, zahar, issiqlik manbai, va hokazo kabi, ion kichik qator va filtrat past molekulyar og’irligi bilan organik moddalarni chiqarish mumkin. Teskari osmos qurilmasi asosan eritmadagi ionlar oralig’ini ajratadi. Bu isitishni talab qilmaydi va o’zgarishlar o’tish jarayoni yo’q, shuning uchun an’anaviy usullardan kamroq energiya iste’mol qiladi. Teskari osmos qurilmasi kichik va ishlatish uchun qulay, shuningdek, keng ko’lamdagi dasturlarga ega. Teskari osmos qurilmasi sanoat suvini ko’p miqdorda kislota va gidroksidi iste’mol qilmasdan tozalash uchun ishlatiladi, ikkilamchi ifloslanishsiz va uning operatsion xarajatlari nisbatan past bo’ladi. Teskari osmos usuli bilan ishlov berilgan suv yuqori tozalikka ega. Faqatgina ion diapazonidagi kirlarni olib tashlash bilan birga, boshqa usullar bilan olib tashlanishi qiyin bo’lgan organik ifloslantiruvchi moddalar, mikroorganizmlar, viruslar va pirogenlarni ham olib tashlash mumkin.
SKU: n/a -