production equipment
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Food equipment
American (caramel) popcorn mini equipment
Caramel popcorn has become popular in Uzbekistan in the last five years, but for everyone it has already become one of the most bought and loved products. There is no specific season of demand for this product. Popcorn is eaten both in summer and winter.
American (caramel) popcorns are available in chocolate, vanilla, fruit and other varieties.
SKU: n/a -
Qog`ozni qayta ishlash
Avtomatik 12 qatorli nam salfetka ishlab chiqarish liniyasi (30-120 donalik)
Hozirgi kunda to’liq iste’molga kirgan, boshqacha qilib aytganda eng ko’p foydalaniladigan mahsulotlardan biri nam salfetkalardir. Bu turdagi salfetkalar o’zining gigienik ustunligi va universalligi bilan kundalik hayotimizning ajralmas qismiga aylangan. Shuni hisobga olgan holda “AFEX-GROUP” LLC jamoasi sizlarga nam salfetkalar ishlab chiqaradigan avtomatik uskunani taqdim qiladi.
SKU: n/a -
Qog`ozni qayta ishlash
Avtomatik 2 qatorli nam salfetka ishlab chiqarish liniyasi (5-30 donalik)
Liniya yordamida bir qadoqda 5 donalikdan boshlab 30 donalik nam salfetkalar ishlab chiqarish mumkin, hozirgi kunga kelib bu turadi nam salfetkalar deyarli barcha xotin qizlarni xamrohiga ulgurib bo’lgan desak mubolag’a bo’lmaydi. Yonda olib yurishga qulay bolganligi tufayli sayohat vaqtida bu turdagi nam salfetkalar keng ko’lamda ishlatiladi.
SKU: n/a -
Qog`ozni qayta ishlash
Avtomatik 6 qatorli nam salfetka ishlab chiqarish liniyasi (30-120 donalik)
Hozirgi kunda to’liq iste’molga kirgan, boshqacha qilib aytganda eng ko’p foydalaniladigan mahsulotlardan biri nam salfetkalardir. Bu turdagi salfetkalar o’zining gigienik ustunligi va universalligi bilan kundalik hayotimizning ajralmas qismiga aylangan. Shuni hisobga olgan holda “AFEX-GROUP” LLC jamoasi sizlarga nam salfetkalar ishlab chiqaradigan avtomatik uskunani taqdim qiladi.
SKU: n/a -
Food equipment
Bulk ice cream frigomat equipment
As the days begin to heat up, people’s demand for cooling products (ice cream, soft drinks) increases sharply. Here, one of the great types of business for our young entrepreneurs is the bulk ice cream business. Although this business is seasonal, it is a very profitable business. With this business, you can easily work 7-8 months in a year. No one denies that the ice cream business is one of the most profitable businesses, and this indicator will guarantee you a return of up to 300% of your bet. Most importantly, you will have very little risk.
SKU: n/a -
Laser equipment
CO2 Laser Marking Equipment
Advantages of the equipment:
High-speed galvanometer scanner, operating accuracy 0.05, marking speed up to 7000 mm/s.
The life of the CO2 laser source is up to 10,000 hours.
Mainly used materials:
PCB, glass, ceramic, plastic, metal, bamboo, wood, paper,
rubber, alloy, oxide, electroplating, coating film, ABS,
epoxy, plastic, etc.SKU: n/a -
Equipment in stock, Packaging equipment, Vertical packaging
Vertical screw powder packaging equipment (3-way)
Equipment in stock, Packaging equipment, Vertical packagingVertical screw powder packaging equipment (3-way)
High-precision packaging equipment for powdered products with the help of an auger, the ability to pack 30-50 products in 1 minute.
For coffee, spices, sugar and other similar products.
SKU: n/a