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Avtomatik suyuq mahsulotlarni blister qadoqlash uskunasi
Bir uskunada shakllantirish, to’ldirish, qadoqlash va kesishni avtomatik ravishda amalga oshirish mumkin.
Ushbu uskunada ishlatilishi mumkin bo’lgan pastki plyonka termoformatsiyalanadigan, issiqlik bilan yopishtiriladigan yarim qattiq plyonka va qattiq plyonkadir: PS, PE, PET, PVX, ALU va boshqalar.
Yopishtiruvchi material: Alu kompozit plyonka, Alu folga, Dializ qog’ozi va boshqalar
U parfyumeriya, kosmetika, krem, asal, pishloq, murabbo, shokolad, sut, sariyog ‘, zaytun moyi va boshqalarni qadoqlashi mumkin.
SKU: n/a -
Food equipment
Ketchup production line (from 3T of raw materials per day) AF-L024
Ketchup is the first product we see when we open the fridge. That’s right, after all, it can be eaten with any food. Almost all modern foods are prepared with ketchup or eaten with ketchup. Especially fast food restaurants are very fond of using this universal additive, the phrase most used by customers recently is: “add ketchup too”. Therefore, no one denies that this product is so popular among singers. “AFEX-Group” company, as always, is a supporter of business flourishing of you dear entrepreneurs, and for this reason, it presents to you this demanding product, that is, the KETCHUP PRODUCTION LINE.
SKU: AF-L024