bread production
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Food equipment
Bread production line
Our people have been glorifying bread since time immemorial. Bread is one of the national values of the Uzbek people. It should also be noted that technologies and developments have entered every field. We hope that the following equipment will contribute to the development of bread production.
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Oziq ovqat
Non uchun aylanadigan stolli pech
AFEX-GROUP kompamiyasi nonvoylar uchun yangicha pech taklif etadi. Ushbu pech non pishirish uchun zamonaviy yechim hisoblanadi. Pech ichida maxsus dumaloq stol bo’lib , u pech ichi to’xtovsiz aylanadi. Aylanish davomida nonlar tez va sifatli pishishga ulguradi.
SKU: n/a