Construction equipment
Showing 31–39 of 39 results
Construction equipment, Solution product lines
Production line of PVC profiles for Rom
As the construction market expands, the reformation of building materials is also developing. It is no secret that aluminum frames have gradually replaced traditional wooden frames. But aluminum frames have a big minus side, even if it passes 70% of cold and hot air from the street. This requires a lot of electricity to keep the room temperature at the same level in winter and summer. Considering this, the current market demand is for plastic frames made of PVC profiles.
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Plastikni qayta ishlash, Qurilish uskunalari
PVX quvurlarni ishlab chiqarish liniyasi
Uzluksiz ishlash uchun ishlab chiqilgan zamonaviy uskunamiz ilg’or avtomatlashtirish bilan yuqori sifatli PVX quvurlarni ishlab chiqarishni ta’minlaydi. Bugun bizning assortimentimizni o’rganing.PVX quvurlari qurilish, qishloq xo’jaligi, sanitariya-tesisat va infratuzilmani rivojlantirish kabi turli sohalarda muhim komponentlardir. Ushbu quvurlarga bo’lgan doimiy talab PVX quvurlari ishlab chiqaruvchilari uchun barqaror bozorni ta’minlaydi.
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Construction equipment
Reinforced concrete slab production line
The business of manufacturing concrete products is one of the profitable activities, as it covers many areas. ”AFEX -GROUP” offers modern technologies in the production of reinforced concrete slabs, one of the concrete products.
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Construction equipment
Small concrete block (slag block) production line
Cinderblock is one of the most popular building materials. It is used not only to build houses, but also to build reliable fences and walls. Cinderblock is a building material that has proven itself as one of the most practical, reliable and durable materials. Due to the large size of cinder block (especially compared to ordinary brick), it significantly speeds up the construction time of certain buildings and structures.
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Construction equipment
Whipped polyethylene tubes production line for insulation
Polyethylene pipes whipped for insulation are an excellent insulation tool for heating systems, hot and cold water supply and sewage systems.
Pipe wall thickness: 15 mm. Inner diameter: from 6 mm to 86 mm. The Material is moisture-resistant, retains its physical and chemical properties, does not mold, does not rot, is oil and gasoline-resistant, flexible and lightweight, easy to install and glue.
SKU: n/a