production of napkins
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Qog`ozni qayta ishlash
Avtomatik 12 qatorli nam salfetka ishlab chiqarish liniyasi (30-120 donalik) AFX-2000JB
Qog`ozni qayta ishlashAvtomatik 12 qatorli nam salfetka ishlab chiqarish liniyasi (30-120 donalik) AFX-2000JB
Nam salfetkalar kundalik hayotning ajralmas qismiga aylanishi shubhasiz, har qanday vaziyatda samarali tozalash va tetiklikni ta’minlaydi, sayohatdan tortib, uyda yoki ishda foydalanishgacha. Bundan tashqari, ishlab chiqarish texnologiyasi va moddiy innovatsiyalardagi yutuqlar bilan nam salfetkalar degradatsiyaga chidamliroq bo’lib, ularni yanada ekologik va barqaror qiladi.
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Qog`ozni qayta ishlash
Avtomatik 6 qatorli nam salfetka ishlab chiqarish liniyasi (30-120 donalik)
Hozirgi kunda to’liq iste’molga kirgan, boshqacha qilib aytganda eng ko’p foydalaniladigan mahsulotlardan biri nam salfetkalardir. Bu turdagi salfetkalar o’zining gigienik ustunligi va universalligi bilan kundalik hayotimizning ajralmas qismiga aylangan. Shuni hisobga olgan holda “AFEX-GROUP” LLC jamoasi sizlarga nam salfetkalar ishlab chiqaradigan avtomatik uskunani taqdim qiladi.
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Paper processing
Compact paper napkin production equipment
The demand for disposable products in our daily lives is increasing, but has not decreased. For the dish, disposable dishes for the drink, especially disposable napkins made of paper, are used by each of us almost every day. Disposable paper napkins are completely taking the place of fabric napkins in catering establishments, cafes, restaurants and weddings, and even at home. Because this type of napkins is also very convenient to use, in addition to fully meeting hygienic requirements. Therefore, the demand for this type of napkins in our country is increasing even more. Before starting each business, any entrepreneur cares about the future of the work he is starting. We want to go through the reasons why this business comes to our territory in the following way:
- Since this industry is not very popular in our country, it will not be difficult to enter the market with your own product;
- Finding raw materials for the product at any time and in any volume from the territory of our country mmumkin
- Since the volume of finished products takes up a lot of space, the production in the regions also pays off well;
- Lack of necessity for a separately qualified worker;
- Since the time of selling the product to the buyer is not limited, you will not be afraid that it will go through the same period as food products and become nauseous.
SKU: 2 -
Paper processing
Equipment for the production of napkins with a dispenser
The disposable paper napkin production equipment provided by our company is one of the most popular and purchased equipment of our customers. The fact that this profitable business is the cause of many interests can be explained by the fact that these types of napkins are very common in our daily life and are in high demand. Our customers who bought these napkins are expanding their business “with flying hoes” in the vernacular. Many of our customers are now also interested in the production of dispenser napkins.
SKU: n/a -
Paper processing
Modern automatic paper napkin production equipment
Paper napkins are products that were originally intended for hygienic purposes. Today they are used in almost all areas of human activity. The demand for these products is growing steadily every year, so manufacturers are constantly expanding their range.
Paper napkins are a disposable product created to improve the daily comfort of a person. These products made it possible to get rid of regular washing of their analogues from the MAAT. People were able to save on detergents, other costs associated with ironing. Used paper napkins are environmentally friendly.
SKU: n/a