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Oziq ovqat
Chuchvara ishlab chiqarish uskunasi
Ushbu uskuna bilan siz chuchvaralarni avtomatik ravishda tayyorlab vaqt va mehnatni tejash orqali katta buyurtmalarni tez bajarasiz. Ishchilarni qisqartirib tejab qolgan pulingiz evaziga biznesni yanada rivojlantirish haqida o’ylasangiz bo’ladi. Bu uskuna biznesingizni yangi darajaga olib chiqish uchun ajoyib sarmoyadir!
SKU: n/a -
Food equipment
Frozen dumpling production line AF-L017
Chuchvara (pelmeni) is one of the favorite products of our people. Dumplings prepared in every household will be equally enjoyed by all family members. As our time progresses, the level of urbanization in our country is growing rapidly. Time is a problem for most of the families living in the city. As you know, making dumplings is not a simple dish for our housewives, and its preparation takes more time than other dishes. For this reason, the sale of ready-to-cook meals in our country has grown significantly in recent years. Based on the above demand, today AFEX-GROUP LLC company decided to offer you a frozen dumpling production line. Of course, when choosing our recommended equipment, we present it taking into account the requests that come to us.
SKU: AF-L017